在当今世界,成功地领导一个非营利组织需要无尽的奉献和时间. 然而,, nonprofit leaders are often so committed to their missions that spending time away to re-energize can be an afterthought. The 非营利性休假计划 aims to recognize and reward long-term and respected nonprofit leaders in Colorado and strengthen the organizations they lead by offering funds for interim leadership and staff capacity building. The program offers nonprofit executives the opportunity to step away from professional responsibilities and take time for themselves for rejuvenation. 在理想的情况下, the executive returns to their professional life with new ideas and a fresh sense of commitment to their work, 非营利部门以及所有科罗拉多人的健康和健康公平.
我们的 我们所做的一切都必须有三个基石 引导我们解决历史上最根深蒂固的不平等问题. 我们希望我们的合作伙伴在与我们一起工作时优先考虑这些基石. This commitment necessitates that we prioritize a diverse cohort of grantees whose work and values are in alignment with our cornerstones and who represent a range of identities including race/ethnicity, 性别认同, 能力/残疾身份, 性取向和地理区域.
每年将提供最多5次休假. 每次休假必须在收到奖励后的18个月内进行.
The Foundation has engaged a technical assistance (TA) team who provides support to both interested applicants and awarded grantees. We recommend that the nonprofit organization and its executive seek professional tax advice separately prior to applying for this grant.
休假奖金以补助金的形式发放,最高可达100美元,000 – for charitable support to a Colorado-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and includes:
- Grantee executive to take three-to-four month hiatus for activities of their choice to reflect, 休息和恢复活力:
- 假期活动最高可达20,000美元.g.(个人活动,如旅行或健康活动)
- 薪金及福利津贴介乎25,000元至55,000元(视乎现时薪金而定)
- 授予临时领导的需要 (个人或团队):
- 在被授予人休假期间,最高10,000美元用于支持临时领导需求
- 受资助人员的能力建设需要:
- 高达15 000美元,以帮助加强工作人员的能力.g. 专业发展、员工福利等.) within the grantee organization to be used during the sabbatical period or up to two years after receipt of the award
- Organizations will need to demonstrate how staff have been involved in determining the use of these funds to ensure that they are used for employee-directed needs
除为上述休假活动提供经费外, 该项目还包括在基金会进行为期一个月的常驻高管培训. The executive-in-residence is designed by program grantees and Foundation leadership and staff as a mutually beneficial co-learning experience. 了解更多.
Successful applicants will meet the following individual and organizational eligibility criteria:
- 成为科罗拉多州的执行董事, CEO or tribal administrator of a nonprofit organization working to bring health and health equity in reach for Coloradans
- 成为一名杰出和受人尊敬的领袖,并有对社会作出贡献的记录
- 担任目前的行政职务至少三年(五年优先)
- Have at least seven years’ experience in an executive leadership role within the nonprofit sector
- 是科罗拉多州的全职雇员和居民
- Demonstrate commitment to remaining in current position at current organization for at least three years upon return from sabbatical
- 有组织董事会的批准吗
- Present an interim leadership plan that sustains the organization during the sabbatical period
- 提出组织能力建设计划, 与员工合作创造, 哪个解决了增长的需要, 发展与幸福
- 组织中至少有三名全职员工
- Be willing to serve a one-month executive-in-residence placement at 365bet官网中文登陆
- 愿意参加项目校友活动
- Be located in Colorado and provide services and/or programs that bring health and health equity in reach for Coloradans
- Operate as a public charity, and not a private foundation, under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3)
- Organizations must employ at least three full-time employees (FTE) or a mix of part-time employees that add up to three FTE. 如果志愿人员目前在满足永久需求方面发挥作用, we will consider this scenario with clarity on how/if there will be a transition to a permanent employee base in the near future. 支持组织的承包商和供应商不能算作永久雇员
- 至少50%的服务人口必须生活在低收入中
- 至少60%的服务和项目必须直接在科罗拉多州进行
- 在申请人离开期间,保证工厂的正常运转
- 展示对支持组织的需求和承诺, employee-driven capacity building that will strengthen the organization’s ability to meet its mission
- 保证受奖人在离职期间的正常健康和其他福利
- 连续三到四个月的不间断休假. 这个时间框架包括在基金会担任一个月的驻院高管, 总部在丹佛. 驻院行政人员的细节将由受赠人和基金会决定.
- 休假和驻院行政人员期间不得回访参加会议或活动.
- No work- or volunteer-related phone or email engagement during the sabbatical or executive-in-residence.
- No work-related activities (outside of any professional development you wish to engage in during the sabbatical)
- 休假必须在收到后18个月内进行
- 脱离专业活动(例如.g.、志愿委员会、委员会、教学任务等.)
- Pre-Sabbatical取向: 基金会将为计划受助人提供辅导支持.
- 宿舍: The Foundation will work exclusively with program grantees to determine an approach for the month-long executive-in-residence that is an opportunity for co-learning and is mutually beneficial to both the grantee and the Foundation. 预计受助人将在此期间居住在丹佛. 住房, food and transit expenses are covered by the Foundation for those who need to relocate (whether the grantees lives in or outside of the Denver metro area) for the executive-in-residence. Grantees are expected to participate in four weeks total of the executive-in-residence portion of the program. 然而, we offer flexibility to grantees who are unable to engage in the executive-in-residence for a consecutive four-week period (e.g. 受助人可以决定在休假期间一次从事两周的工作。. 由于12月是假日季节,所以不能安排驻院行政长官. 观看住院医师项目的简短概述以了解更多信息.
- Post-Sabbatical: 基金会需要一个短的, informal report or debrief meeting about the grantee's sabbatical experience six to 12 weeks out from the sabbatical.
该计划包括一个助教提供者,以支持感兴趣的申请人和获得资助的人. TA提供者将:
- 咨询申请人和他们的组织,制定一个强有力的申请
- 为休假受助人提供咨询和支持
- 咨询和支持休假受助人的离职和重返工作岗位
- 在休假期间咨询和支持临时领导